On Monday, September 9th, ILCS 7th graders had a unique opportunity to interview Alefiya Master, CEO and Founder of MAD-Learn, during Mrs. Wolfe’s Makerspace class. Leading up to the interview, students honed their skills by learning how to ask thoughtful, open-ended questions. They made the most of this chance by diving deep into Ms. Master’s journey and her passion for creating MAD-Learn.

This quarter, the Makerspace class is excited to pilot the innovative MAD-Learn program, thanks to support from WSWHE BOCES and Model Schools. Through this program, students will design and develop their very own apps—apps they can actually download on their mobile devices! How cool is that?

Adding to the excitement, students named and designed a logo for their interview series, now called the STEM Spotlight Series. It’s thrilling to see their creativity shine, and we can’t wait to see what’s next for this talented group!

To see the video click here: Alefiya Master; CEO & Founder of MAD-Learn Interview